sábado, 28 de julio de 2018

Deliberate Act of Sabotage or Vandalism

Deliberate Act of Sabotage or Vandalism.

acts aimed to destroy an information asset and, ultimately, damage the image of an organization.

It is considered as sabotage to the totally intentional destruction of utensils that an employee needs in his area of work such as: machinery, raw material, structure, among other elements that were financed by the company; the destruction of these elements was promoted by the hands of the workers and it became a decision making about a controversy or conflict of professional type between the personnel and their employees, this type of acts are directed in the search of a collective for all those that we want is working in the same place. The term sabotage has an etymological origin in French "sabots" which means "Swedish", since they raise conflicts with each other and retaliate against business assets.

¿Are they computer vandals?

In the dawn of malware development, most computer viruses and Trojans were created for students and other young developers, in addition to some more experienced programs. Currently, there are still four main types of computer vandals:

➧Skilled students who like to brag:
In many cases, students (who have just mastered the use of a programming language) want to test their skills, knowledge or demonstrate what a child is. Fortunately, many of these malware creators do not actually distribute their malware and can send viruses or worms to an antivirus company.

➧Young people without experience helped by Internet:
Young people who do not master the whole art of programming can also become computer hooligans, sometimes to demonstrate their "value". In the past, this group viruses primitive viruses. However, there are several websites that explain how to write and distribute computer viruses, and how they can order antivirus software. Therefore, the Internet has greatly facilitated the creation of viruses for people without experience.

➧Professional developers:
As young virus developers mature, their experience can translate into much more dangerous activities. The most experienced and talented programmers can create very "professional" computer viruses. These can be sophisticated programs that use innovative methods to infiltrate data system domains or that can take advantage of security vulnerabilities within operating environments, take advantage of social engineering, or use a wide range of other tricks.


These are very intelligent programmers who are able to invent new methods to infect computers, without the infection being noticed and avoiding the actions of antivirus software. The objective of the program is to investigate the potential of "human computing". The program can choose not to spread their creations, but to promote their ideas through innumerable Internet resources dedicated to the creation of computer viruses. Then, those ideas and "research viruses" can be used by people or malicious criminals.

Computer threats associated with today's vandalism.

Although all these groups continue to create computer viruses, there has been a reduction in the number of new "traditional" types of computer threats. There are several possible reasons:

New laws
In many countries, changes in legislation have resulted in the arrest of creators of computer viruses. With extensive media coverage, these arrests have probably discouraged many young people from developing malicious code.

Network games have offered another way for young people to demonstrate their skills and expertise. Nowadays, many young people versed in computers are more likely to become players than creators of malware.

In the 1990s, it was much easier to create computer viruses aimed at Microsoft's DOS operating system, as opposed to the effort needed to attack the most complex Windows operating system of today.

Although the fall of computer vandalism is welcome news, the risks associated with other types of malicious programs represent a much more dangerous threat to your computer, your data, your digital identity and your finances.

 hackers accessing a system and damaging  or destroying critical data.

Resultado de imagen para Deliberado acto de sabotaje o vandalismo informatico


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